At 1001 Nights, we believe in togetherness and generosity, and our core values revolve around sociability and creating strong connections with each others.
Our purpose is to create a haven for nomadic burners under our Dome who reprensents our Sanctuary. Such in a tales, each year our camp comes alive by magic. During one week, the time of a story we invite everyone to be a part of this enchanting experience by joining us and partaking in the traditional offerings we provide under our Dome, creating a space where all come together to celebrate life and create unforgettable memories.
Our stories represent the memories of our Community and are written each year by all the Nighters at our camp, reflecting the constant evolution of our Community.
Our flagship project “Makateeb” the core experience offered by 1001 Nights Community to anyone on the Playa. Through it we provide an immersive and warm environment capturing some middle eastern hospitality of communing and sharing experiences with one and another.
Makateeb stems from the Arabic word “Makatoob” which means “written”. It is a symbol of the traditional communication method of hand-written letters. Hand-written letters are uniquely tangible and personal, specific to someone’s handwriting and therefore a novelty in today’s electronic world. Burners from all corners of the globe gather in our Dome to write letters to other Burners in exchange for a letter from another mysterious Burner. These letters are not specific to anyone and are submitted anonymously.
We believe that by embodying these values, we can create a transformative experience for all nomadic burners and our beloved Nighters.